The Perfect Start-up Kit For Founders

Curated list of all resources, tools, and calculators shared by accountero editorial in 2022

Working entreprneur

A Journey Begins with A Single Step

Gear up for your end-of-year rituals and stay on track with this handy toolkit.

Canadian entrepreneurs have the privilege of choosing their year-end for tax-time. The year-end is a good time for a business founder to streamline most of their business processes. 

The Accountero editorial team has curated various free resources, calculators, and tools to help founders on their entrepreneurial journey.

Below is a collection of essential resources, all under one place.

Founder's Essentials by Accountero for 2022

Scroll through our collection of checklists, calculators, and resources or jump to one of your choice. Find the table of contents below:

Canadian Small Businesses Tax Checklist For 2022.

Tax season begins as soon as the year starts, however the deadlines for personal income tax and business income tax in Canada may differ.

Depending on the entity of your business, whether it is self proprietorship, CCPC or Non-CCPC. We have put together a tax preparation checklist to help you with the tax season 2022.


Free Payback Period Calculator

Find our recovery timeline of your investments. Analyze different possibilities to invest your money and combine it with more tools to forecast your business investment. 

This free payback period calculator is an essential to help you estimate the number of years required to breakeven on an initial investment.

Free E-Book: How to Grow Your Revenue As a Startup

Get an in-depth detailed overview of all factors that come into play to boost your company’s revenue growth, keeping your marketing and sales strategies focused on your customer experiences. 


Free ROIC Calculator

This ROIC calculator is a tool that helps you determine the return on invested capital (ROIC). This business metric is genereally determined to measure how profitable a company is in investing the money it obtained from its shareholders.

Make Your Month-End Closing Stress Free

Follow this checklist to make your life easier. Closing the month for your business does not have to be stressful. Start off with keeping things organized and the rest will follow. 
In this checklist, we have mentioned all the minute details to the most important specifics required for a month-end closing process in all aspects of business operations. 

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Startup Valuation Calculator

Post and pre-money valuation calculator does simple math to free your mind up to do more important things when you are negotiating your startup’s valuation.

Successful entrepreneurs proactively know their numbers and like to stay fully informed on the real-time status of their business growth. As your startup progresses, it is essential to keep track of all metrics including post and pre-money valuations. 

Report for 2022: The New Generation of Canadian Entrepreneurs 

The love for entrepreneurship is taking over the future of Canada. Post pandemic, we’re at a new chapter in our country where we see a massive shift in the businesses operate and how employees have adjusted with the new way of working, living, and communicating with their teams. The new generation of workers in Canada is not only witnessing it, but instead, they’re leading it. See the insights below. 

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